It was also her son's 18th birthday that day! He & my son are just a few weeks apart in age. He is such a handsome young man too that's sort of soft spoken.
As usual, there was too much food, but then again, it wouldn't be a blessed one without that too. You should always be thankful everyday if you have enough to eat!
There was fun conversation & my step-sister cracked open this cool 2 tiered crayon holder full of crayons & some pretty coloring pages that she printed off from the Crayola site that were free! If you want to check them out, just click on the underlined word Crayola to get your own.
I was glad for a wonderful Thanksgiving, because in the afternoon of Black Friday, after we were done shopping, Alan got the call from his boss that he is going to be laid off until the beginning of April, tentatively. We always anticipate this happening, but it seems to come earlier & earlier every year. This time, it was a whole month earlier! I am not what you would call a real planner or anything like that, but I find it difficult to make ends meet in the winter months anyway. So, by the end of Aug or Sept., I start stocking up on non-perishable items like toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, ALL laundry & cleaning items, pasta, sauces, flour, sugar.... you get the idea. My laundry room ends up looking like a mini supermarket by November. It's usually my hope to only need to buy milk, bread, eggs, meats & whatever else we may necessarily need. I guess it's good that I didn't run out & buy the laptop I was so hoping for with my craft show money. I was almost going to on Black Friday, but I guess God was talking to me & I actually listened & talked myself out going through with it. It looks like I'm using that money for other more important things now & that most likely means I didn't need that laptop after all. If I'm meant to have one, He will see to it that I get it - now is not that time.
But, on a lighter note...did you go out for the early morning Black Friday sales??? Yep, I did! I was up at 3:00 am & out the door by 3:30. I hit my local Walmart since I'm not driving 30-60 minutes to wait OUTSIDE when it's only 18 degrees! I might be a little off, but I'm not stupid either! No deal is worth frost bite to me! At least at Walmart you can be indoors. I like the way they did it this year over last year. I wanted to get a Nintendo DS for my daughter. I was surprised to see that there was no line. I go up to the lady & ask about the NDS & she asks if I want 1 or 2? I only need one, so she gives me a wristband that technically "holds" one for me until 11:00. COOL!! I can actually go shop around the store without having to miss out on the other bargains they have going on. Finally, they got a little smarter! I did still end up missing out on the Cricut Holly Jolly Christmas Lite cartridge, but I got 2 other new ones I wanted. I was able to get the cute pet one & the tiny Dancer too. I almost didn't get them because I thought that I was getting a laptop & then buying a program like SCAL2 or MTC so that I wouldn't need to buy carts anymore. My plans were dashed again. Why? On our way home from shopping, my husband got the call from his boss that he's laid off until April. I pray that my husband can find a better job somewhere else & soon. He so deserves better.
So, today is Monday & it's back to the same routine, but different since Alan is home. Although he went to my dad's house this morning to install some ceiling fans that they've wanted put in, so that will keep him busy & give us a little extra cash to help out.
And so I will end this long post that still has no pictures to show you anything fun & creative, but it doesn't even look like anyone is reading this blog anymore anyway.
God Bless & have a great day!
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