
Apr 13, 2012

Never Before Seen Old Project....

Some of you may know this, but many of you probably do not, and that is that I've had some of my projects published in magazines. Well, it's only been one magazine. Maybe you've heard of it... maybe not, since it's not a highly recognized magazine like Better Homes and Garden. It's called the Cricut Magazine by Northridge Media Publishers. They also put out a number of other crafting and scrapbook magazines. They're a bit on the pricey side, but they are high quality magazines with very little advertising - hence the higher price, since they don't get paid by outside advertisers. Sorry, got a little oft-track there...but I've had a number of projects published and a number of times. I have "bragged" about these events a few times here on my blog over here .... here and here. There were a few more times, but I didn't post about them.

The publishers seem to be drawn more to my projects that I've done with vinyl. My first published piece was a dollar store plate that I added vinyl lettering on so it could be used as a Menu display, you can see the post for that {HERE}. I eventually was able to put it in my craft show and it was quite the success! I even had people wanting to buy multiples (I only had the one). But, even before I put this one in my craft show, my daughter was wanting one for our own kitchen. She is such a sweetheart and probably my biggest cheerleader. She loves anything I make. Since I have a pile of dishes for crafts that is much more than I have in my own kitchen, I figured I should make some more. I did, but I wanted ours to be different and fit our kitchen decor a little better.

Plate repurpose, vinyl idea, kitchen decor, plate decor

Boy, I can't write in a straight line for nuthin'! :D  For this design, I cut from some left over scraps of dark brown and beige vinyl with my Cricut Expression using Cricut cartridges. It's been so long, and I have quite a few cartridges, that I can't recall which ones were used on this, but you can be sure that they're at least 2 year old cartridges. The plate was on clearance at Walmart for 75 cents and the easel was also on clearance for $4 also at Walmart. I bought all they had. LOL! I don't call my blog Under A Pile of Scrap for nothing!

Do you feel inspired to make your own Menu plate? You don't even have to put a vinyl design on it. You can just use a plain plate or a pretty platter. You use it just as a regular memo plate instead of for writing your dinner menu. It's pretty AND practical!


I'm linking up to these parties:

WhipperberryThe Shabby Nest Photobucket
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Oh Wow! You do some beautiful work!

  2. Such a great idea! How did you get the dry erase marker to stick to the side?

    1. Thanks!! It's a sticky velcro dot. One half is on the plate and the other half is on the flat part of the magnetic cap on the marker.

  3. What a fun project :)
    I think mine may say "Fend for yourself night" lol.

  4. Congratulations, Beth!
    Now, I understand you cut the vinyl letters and put permanently on the plate.
    To write the menu, do you actually use a marker? Or is everything permanent?
    It must feel so good to have your work in a magazine!!!!
    Blessings to you, too!

  5. The vinyl is something on my list, but i haven't done it yet. Great job! Thanks so much for sharing at The Mother Lode linky party over at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  6. love the plate. would be nice to make one and someone actually use it and read it. LOL Thanks for linking up at SweetTalkin' Sunday!

  7. This is sooo creative and pretty.. It'll make an awesome mother's day gift..I heart the fun idea's you can toy around with to personalize it ;)) I would LOVE if you could please share it via my mother's day "gifts, tips and idea's" linky open today.. THANKS so much.. LOVELY idea.. Happy weekend ahead.. ~Marilyn

  8. This is adorable!~ Thanks so much for sharing at the newbie party.


of your thoughts and comments. Do share!