
Dec 19, 2012

Unplanned Post

I was going to post this on Thursday, but since I woke up at 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday with an excruciating back ache, I figured I might as well be a little productive, considering that I don't feel like moving much. It will be the one thing I get done ahead of schedule. I'm so far behind on everything else this year, it's not even the slightest bit funny.

Since I finished up all my craft shows for the year, I thought I would take it easy on the creativity part so I could focus on Christmas and decorating. It turns out that I got motivated to work on more craft stuff, even though none of them are finished (you knew that was coming, right?). I started to work on some small rustic looking table top trees. If I know me, I'll get them done AFTER Christmas and no one will be interested in seeing them at that point. I guess that's how I roll...a day late and a dollar short - always. I told myself that I was going to focus on finishing up all the projects that are sitting around in my dining room floor before I started anything else new, so that's why it's Christmas trees (among other things)

However, I had a nice surprise one day last week when a shopper from my last craft show called to place an order! At that craft show she had seen an item she liked in my booth, but held off making the purchase, only to discover later that it had been bought by someone else. She inquired about being able to get another & I said I could make one if she decided she wanted one. I was totally shocked when she actually followed through! That almost like never happens.

Here is what she ordered... 

cloche, primitive, crackle paint, diy, make over, kitchen decor, rustic, farmhouse

It's one of those covered round cheese boards that's fixed to a large candle holder. I've painted it black and did a beige crackle with some primitive stars. I sealed the top with Polyurethane, because I read somewhere online that was food safe, considering they use it on kitchen table tops I figured it must be the right stuff, and the rest is done with a matte sealer.

I hadn't intended on using that candle holder for anything like this, but ya know what? I got it off my pool table and I liked how it turned out better than the first one I sold. I just have to sand down a couple of uneven spots on the bottom that make it rock a little and it's good to go!

And the table it's sitting on is hopefully going to be a project in the near future, but I think I want to get some scrapbooking done in January, so maybe not just yet, or perhaps in between pages. It seems like multi-tasking is the name of the game.

Here's hoping you stay creative.



  1. I love that piece! I might have to copy and make one for myself. I bet you could sell those on Etsy. (but maybe they are costly to produce)
    Have a great day!

  2. That is super cute! Great job.


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