
Jan 17, 2012

A Crazy Little Thing Called "Blog"

Even though I have been blogging since 2008, I never really got into all the ins and oust of how to do it. I considered it just my basic journal for keeping my thoughts and project accomplishments in a more technical way, without using all the technology that goes along with it. It's kind of like using a DSLR camera and only using it in the point and shoot mode. So I've been asking myself, why do it if I'm not going to get the most out of it? Exactly.

So I've decided to change gears here and get out of granny speed.  I need to at least try to keep up with the flow of traffic here or I'm going to get left further and further behind.

I posted a recipe for some simple, yet yummy Dateballs, and for the first time, I had a reader asking me if I could put it into a Printer Friendly version so they could print it to try it. Hmmmm.... I've seen this little feature before, but never thought that I would have the need for it on my own blog. What a concept!

So, I did some searching around trying to find the easiest way to do this without needing all those boring HTML codes that never seemed to jive up with what I had and didn't work. I came across a new-to-me blog, but she's been around for awhile. Judging from her blog, she might have even more useful info than I'm about to tell you. 

SHE is Cheryl ...
 ....and her blog is  

Don't let the name of her blog fool ya. She has lots of other stuff on her blog besides tidying tips. She made a post some time ago about how easy it is to put a Printer Friendly spot in your blog. Now you can take this information in it's simplest form like she tells you, or you can really dress it up and take it to town! I dressed mine up just a little bit by creating a not-so-fancy-shmancy button in Picnik for mine.

Now, even though I'm learning quite a bit about how to do some of that more techy stuff with my blog, I'm still not to the point that I can nor do I want to at this point add screen shots on my blog. So I'm just going to put you on the fast track there to her post about how to get this sometimes handy information, instead me trying to recreate the wheel. Plus, I think Cheryl probably has some other good info that you just might be interested in. ;^)

I just want to forewarn you that her tip was from 2010, and the screen shots she shows you look just a little different today and I'm sure they will change again over time. I think it's been simplified even more now, BUT if you have some problems or want to ask ME a question, I'll be more than happy to help you out as best as I can. K?

And, in case you're wondering...those buttons at the top of people's blogs that says Home, About Me, etc... some of those pages were made using this technique, so just because you don't do recipes, you may still want to add these handy dandy little buttons to your blog and this could come in handy for THAT! With a little more research, I plan on it with mine now that I know more than I did yesterday!

And, in case you need some more really good blog advice, Christine over at I Gotta Create is having an ongoing link party on this very topic! 
 Click on this image above to take you right there!

If you NEED some blog owner advice, it's filling up with a wealth of information that you just might want to go see, or better yet, if you HAVE some great advice, please link up over there and share.

Now go play!!

I'm linking up to



  1. Thanks so much for sharing your tip over at the Cafe at my place, Beth!! <3

  2. Wow you are really getting into the blogging tech aren't you :)
    I guess I'm just a point and shoot girl, teehee.


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