
Dec 28, 2010

Another Believe sign & more

Well, Christmas is over & the holiday craft shows are done, I have a little bit more time to add some projects that I've done on here. If you don't have a blog, you may be surprised at the time it takes to keep it updated, in addition to creating the projects to post to them. Take into consideration that I have a 6 year old pc & you've just quadrupled that time because of how slow it is & I don't have the highest DSL, not the slowest, but not even middle of the road speed either. And Heaven forbid if it's doing a virus scan! (which is what's happening right now...) this process could take a few hours. LOL!! JK-sorta

Anyway, if you remember the Snowman themed "Believe" sign in an earlier post, this is the same sign, but done in a somewhat vintage Santa theme & MUCH simpler in design. I liked it, but would have liked to have added a bit more to it, but I did this the night before my craft show, so I was doing good just to get it done the way it was. I know, call me stupid or a glutton, or both, but it worked out since it did sell. You can click on the image to make it larger to see more of the details, but it also says "In the Spirit of Christmas" on it.

This is a set of jingle bells that I added some vinyl snowflakes to with letters to spell JOY. Surprisingly, these were pretty good sellers & if I come across more next year at the flea market I found them at, I'm getting more. I have one left that I didn't add vinyl to & I guess that's why I still have it. It wasn't prettied up. This one looks like it had some issues with the bells not lining up better & they sort of didn't, but I was able to get them straightened out more, I just didn't do it for this shot. Oh! And I also added tiny snowflakes on the strap between the bells too. I think I might try bigger ones next time so they're more noticeable.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, that is if you weren't snowed in somewhere or spending the next few days after stranded at an airport. Oh, those poor people who have been enduring that, but it's no one's fault, so I hope that these people aren't blaming the airports for their predicament. What a mess!

I might start to feel inspired to craft again now that all the rush of Christmas is over & everyone is getting settled back into routines & I might even try to find my craft room again - at least for a little while. ;)

I did want to mention that I love to watch the birds that visit my feeders in my front yard, especially when they frequent it heavily in the morning hours. Yesterday & today I noticed a new bird taking over the one suet cake feeder. It's called Yellowshaft Flicker. It's a larger bird, about the size of pigeon & sort of resembling one too, except with unusual markings & a somewhat yellow underside. I've not ever seen one of these at my feeders in the 3-4 years I've had them & from what I've researched online, they're actually a woodpecker that is a bug & ant feeder. I guess I think it's odd that it's wanting seeds, but cool none the less! It appears in this picture to be feeding at a pile of seeds (I retrieved this pic from the internet), so I guess they'll do when ants & bugs are not available. I sure hope they stay & work on the over abundance of ants we have around here in the summer! THAT would be GREAT!!

So that's it for today. Nothing really exciting to share really otherwise. Thanks for letting me babble on like I do.

God Bless & have a great day!



  1. very cool photo and i love the bells.i bet it feels great to be creating again. isn't it amazing how fast we want things to go. i get so annoyed.

  2. I love your believe sign.
    I have one that I have been meaning to alter for a few years now. Hummm maybe I'll get to it next year :P


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