
Oct 28, 2008

Mad & Happy!

I am mad & happy, both at the same time. Sometimes I wonder just where my mind is some days. And inevitably, on the days that I THINK I got my stuff together, later I find that I really didn't & it hits me and hits me hard!

First, I'm mad because I had the accepted potential to be published in the Nov/Dec issue of ScrapN'Art ezine. You would think YAY, right? Well, you would be right IF you would have responded back to them by saying Yes, you are accepting their acceptance! Today, I was going through my old emails & decided to check that acceptance email & seen further down in all their mumbo jumbo terms of agreement that you had to respond by a certain date, which of course, has looooong passed & I hadn't, cuz I double checked my outgoing mail, and you KNOW I did. I think I miss out on opportunities like this because of stupid oversights like that & it really is more than just aggrevating, ya know? Am I NOT the one who's whining, crying, snortin & bawling about how I can't get published? It's quite possibly my work that isn't making the grade & I can live with that, but it could very well be that I simply can't follow instructions & that really irritates me when it comes to my own stupidity.

But, there is happy news! I AM getting published in the monthly newsletter of their December issue for my "Winter Cold" page. I tried really hard to make sure I followed all their very detailed instructions and they were VERY detailed, but that actually made it easy for me, because I didn't have to wonder if it was the way they wanted it & their instructions were actually easy to follow - even though at first glance, I thought Holy Cow!

I don't know how much I'll get to be on here in the next few weeks. I have several design team projects that I need to complete still & I'm trying to get some more things made for the craft show I'm in on November 8th. I really shouldn't even be on here now, but I just had to share the news, bad and good.

So, God Bless & have a great day!
Beth M.



  2. CONGRATS, Beth! You know your work is great and publishers want it, now just focus on the fine print! ;)
    I'll be watching for your LO in their newletter.
    Better get busy, sounds like you have a ton of creating to do! Best of luck with your craft show! Do you have your own booth?

  3. oh beth ROFL here I know exactly where you are coming from on the terms of agreement so hard reading,wondering if its a wind up ,to then find out the contract does need sign and return by a deadline ,oh what are you like!!!!
    congrats on the latest,good for you so well deserved and holy moly the header "The princess" at last you have done something with these great photos,love it!!


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