
Aug 29, 2007

Getting ready for Kenton, Ohio!! (aka Hillbilly Festival)

Well, we're finally all ready for our annual trip to the Coondog Nationals in Kenton, Ohio. It's a 4 hour trip from here, but I think we're prepared. There is a free concert again this year with Shanendoah & Ronnie Milsap! Shanendoah was great last year & I really like Ronnie Milsap from my childhood.

You'd think we'd be heading to the local Blueberry Festival since it's one of the largest open festivals in the Midwest, but not so far. We do get back home before it's over though. We get to see the Blueberry Stomp runners go by our driveway on Labor Day. I am wanting to see the fireworks this year, but I hear it's supposed to rain. I hope it doesn't, I've never gotten to see them in the 40 years I've lived up here.

We're taking our 3 year old daughter, Brooke with us this year to Kenton, & a golf cart with mudder tires on it. We're anticipating muddy conditions since they just had severe floods there last week that made national news.

We're hauling our 23 ft. travel trailer and a 12 ft. trailer for the golf cart. We checked to make sure that we'd be road legal. According the Indiana & Ohio State Police, as long as we're not over 65 ft., we're good. I'll get some pic posted of the "train" when we come back.

Well, here's to a wonderful & safe Labor Day for all! Take care & God Bless!!

Aug 22, 2007

Some catching up to do...

Above is some of my work on scrapbook pages and/or altering projects recently.

I must say that I'm not good at this blog thing, so forgive me, if you're reading this & don't see anything current. I'll try to do better.

In the meantime, I'm still trying to figure out to do this blog & the blog site has changed since I've last been here. This will slow things down as well. I imagine that the only ones that might read this are friends in the scrapbook community & family.

I don't have that much exciting going on in my life to "write home about", but will try to make the best of it.

One thing that might be of interest to some is that my son, Jordan, will be playing in his first JV game this Thursday (8/23/07). I wouldn't mind going, but it's an away game at a place I've not been to & it's over an hour away. I wouldn't mind it so much if it were a Friday night, but on a weeknight is a little different. I worry for his safety playing this sport, especially since he broke his wrist earlier this spring during a wrestling competition. I hope to post pictures later for the games that are closer to home. Maybe this blog will help to motivate me in getting more scrapbook pages done so that I can show them off. That is, if I can remember how to do all that stuff on here again. LOL

Have a great day & God Bless & keep you safe!